After The Car Accident: What Kinds Of Damages Can You Claim?
22 June 2017
After you're the victim of a car accident, you have a long road of recovery ahead, especially if you've sustained a severe injury as a result of the crash. Some victims might be uncertain about proceeding with a lawsuit because they're not sure if they will receive much compensation.
You'll be surprised at what your injury can be worth. If you were badly hurt, your health and wellbeing can be affected for years to come. Car accident lawsuits take this reality into account. Here's what you need to know about car accident lawsuit damage claims, and whether or not you can claim them as part of your lawsuit.
Immediate Expenses
After your accident, you'll have immediate expenses that you otherwise would not have had. Most notably is the cost of your medical care. Some injured individuals require many surgeries, long hospital stays, and expensive medications. You'll also have charges for your ambulance ride.
Additionally, you might have to pay for accessories. For example, you might need braces, a wheelchair, or a lift chair to accommodate you injury.
It can be hard to keep track of all your doctor visits and the bills you receive. It's best to begin by writing down your visits and the reason for them in a journal for easier tracking during the course of your lawsuit.
Long Term Expenses
Besides the immediate medical expenses directly following the accident, you'll also have long term medical expenses as your recover. These will also be included in your car accident claim. You can claim coverage for:
Rehabilitation costs. Many injured individuals need physical therapy to regain full or partial health after a car accident.
Consultation with medical professionals. As you seek for treatment over months (or even years) you may meet with many doctors and other professionals. You can claim the expenses associated with these consultations, including travel and accommodation expenses.
In-home care costs. You might need a nurse or a live-in nanny as a result of the changes you experience from the accident. This is a long term cost that you can factor into the lawsuit.
Another long-term cost to consider as part of your lawsuit are lost wages. You will lose earnings for time you must take off for surgery, doctor's appointments or other recovery needs. If your ability to do your job is affected by the accident, you may also claim the money you would have made if you had not been injured.
Pain and Suffering
You injury might leave you with a great deal of daily pain. The trauma of an accident can also cause increased anxiety and stress. You might have facial scarring, the loss of a limb, or other disfigurement that affects how you interact with others. You can seek for financial compensation as a way to make up for these issues.
Claiming pain and suffering for a car accident is an important part pf your lawsuit, because it is one area that is difficult to fully quantity. Monetary damages affect your standard of living, but living with pain or diminished mental health affects your entire quality of life. In some accidents with severe injuries, this is the area where you will gain the most financial traction in your lawsuit.
Similarly to basic pain and suffering, the court also takes into account your relationships and your ability to find fulfillment. If you injury, for example, prevented you from enjoying a sexual relationship with your spouse, you can claim this loss as part of your lawsuit. Family members who lose a loved one because of a car accident can also sure for loss of companionship.
Financial compensation cannot solve all of the problems that come from car accident injuries, but the money can at least help you find peace of mind, knowing your needs and bills will be covered. Contact us at the law offices of Frederick M. Rosen, PC for more information about getting the right compensation for your injuries.
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