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Signs Of Nursing Home Neglect & Abuse To Look For When Visiting Your Loved One

4 August 2017

If your elderly loved one is currently residing in a nursing home, then it is important to monitor them for signs of nursing home neglect and abuse. Unfortunately, one out of every 10 elderly men and women will suffer some type of elder abuse in their lifetimes. However, according to a National Elder Abuse Incidence Study, only about 20 percent of all incidents of elder abuse and neglect are reported. 

Many of these incidents likely go unreported because the family members of the abused or neglected individuals do not know the signs of nursing home abuse and neglect. Read on to learn about the most common signs of nursing home neglect and abuse and what to do if you notice any of these signs when visiting your loved one.

Signs of Nursing Home Neglect

Dramatic Unexplained Weight Loss
It is normal for anyone's weight to fluctuate a by a few pounds, but if your elderly loved one experiences dramatic weight loss that is not due to an illness or disease, then that is a sign that nursing home staff may be neglecting your loved one's nutritional needs. The staff not be giving them time to finish their meals or not providing some altogether. 

Other Signs of Malnutrition

Studies have revealed that as many as 20 percent of all nursing home residents suffer from malnutrition. Along with weight loss, other signs of malnutrition in the elderly include depressed mood, irritability, feeling "cold" in a warm room, fatigue, and infections that don't seem to go away. 

Pressure Sores

Pressure sores, often referred to as bedsores, are a sign that your elderly loved one has been lying in bed or sitting in a chair in the same position for an unusually long period of time. While they start as slightly reddened areas of the skin, they can progress to the point where skin breaks down and tissue and even bone becomes exposed. 

Even if your loved one is bedridden, they should not develop pressure sores. Nursing home staff members are required to turn bedridden elderly frequently to prevent these sores. 

Frequent Strong Odors or Urinary Tract Infections

If your loved one is incontinent, then it is expected that you may occasionally visit when they are soon due for incontinence care. However, if you notice a strong odor coming from your loved one frequently during visits, then that is a sign that your loved one may not be receiving the incontinence care they need on a regular schedule. 

Adult diapers often need to be changed 6-8 times each day, and if nursing home staff is neglecting these changes, it can lead to health problems for your loved one, including frequent urinary tract infections. 

Your Loved One Is Frequently Wearing the Same Clothing

If you visit your loved one two days in a row and notice they are wearing the same clothing, then that is a sign that their clothing may be going un-laundered or they may even be sleeping in their clothing instead of proper nightwear. 

Unwashed clothing can harbor bacteria that can lead to skin infections and other types of bacterial infections.

Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

Unexplained Bruises or Injuries

If you ever visit your loved one and notice a bruise on their body, then ask the staff what caused the injury. If no one seems to have a clear answer, then that is a sign that your loved one may be being abused. 

Skin Tears

The skin of the elderly can become so fragile that it tears when subjected to trauma. Any time your elderly loved one is wearing a new bandage when you visit them, ask them or the staff what caused the injury. If you are informed that the bandage is covering a skin tear, then inquire about the cause of it. If the answer you get sounds suspicious, then that is a sign your elderly loved one may be being abused. 

While these are some of the most common signs of nursing home neglect and abuse, realize that there are many other signs. If you suspect that your elderly loved one is being neglected or abused at their nursing facility, contact Fredrick M. Rosen, PC, for help.

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