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What to Do After an Auto Accident

4 February 2017

Car accidents are scary, and even when there are no injuries, the repercussions of a crash can continue for weeks or even months. To minimize an accident’s effect on your everyday life, follow these guidelines.

Make a Report

Alert your insurance company to the incident as soon as possible. Get the other driver’s insurance information at the scene, and follow up to make sure the two companies have communicated the details. Take pictures of the accident while you are still at the scene. Your insurance company may appreciate a visual record of the damage, as will a judge, if your accident ends up in court.

Don’t Take a Settlement

Insurance may offer you a quick sum of money to keep the incident out of court, but beware. To ensure you get all the money you deserve, it’s best to wait. Some injuries may take a while to manifest themselves, and you don’t want to be left with a neck injury and only a small sum of money from a hasty settlement. Employing a tough auto accident lawyer can ensure that an insurance company doesn’t take advantage of you.

Your health and safety is more important than getting a car accident taken care of quickly. Communicate completely with your insurance company and that of the other driver, but don’t hesitate to get a lawyer on your side. To speak with an attorney today, contact Frederic M. Rosen, PC.

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